Products available only to our Brand Members (VIP's)
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Don't Forget Your Membership Benefits!

Discounts are automatically applied at checkout. This discount is only valid on full price items, and cannot be used with any other deals, offers or discount codes. But will be applicable for some sale items.

*Unless stated otherwise during promotions*

Free delivery will be applied automatically at checkout. Benefit is applicable for any purchase site wide, at all times.

You will now receive 50 POINTS to your brand points balance on every recurring month.

Brand Points all add up to claim free products and money off orders!

Heard from us yet? We randomly choose one member every month to receive a refund on their monthly subscription.

Fingers Crossed!

Enjoy exclusive surprise fragrances every month. We will send you special edition products, only available for brand members to purchase.

We expect to dispatch your special editions around the 20th of every month.

We hope you love your membership!

If you have any questions or face any problems with your benefits, please get in touch



    You can see me, so you must be a Brand Member!

    Welcome to the special editions collection where you can purchase your favourite previous months wax melts, whilst stock lasts.